The Christian AC format is a gold mine for radio stations and advertisers. A new study from FMR Associates (Tucson based media research specialists) reveals listeners of Christian AC radio have money to spend and are fans of radio. Christian AC fans overwhelmingly choose radio as their primary audio medium over internet streams, podcasts, and other varied media. They spend 33% more time with radio when compared to other music formats. Among the many findings there were several key benefits of Christian AC Radio:
- Christian AC listeners index higher in both 100K plus and 75K plus household income when compared to other radio formats.
- Christian AC listeners are spenders. They over-index in the biggest Consumer Behavior categories including buying cars and trucks in the next six months, eating out, buying phones, electronics, use of medical and health services and many more key buying categories.
- Christian AC listeners are more likely to vote than the general population as well.
- Christian AC listeners are also 29% more likely to be married and 32% more likely have children when compared to other radio formats.
- The 2023 FMR National Listening Survey revealed that 86% of the overall US population (25-64) listen to radio every week. For comparison, streaming audio is at 63% weekly and podcasting at 24%. Christian AC fans Time Spent Listening is 33% greater when compared to other radio formats.
The statistically projectable national survey of 1500 25- to 64-year-old adults was demographically balanced and geographically representative.